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Intelligent electronic device for measuring speech comprehension

par admin - 14 mars 2013

Project name : Intelligent electronic device for measuring speech comprehension

Duration : 24 months (Feb. 2013 to Jan. 2015)

People involved : Lionel Fontan, Pascal Gaillard, Cynthia Magnen, Julien Tardieu, Nathalie Spanghero-Gaillard

Research & industrial partners : SAMOVA team (IRIT), ENT Department of Purpan hospital, ARCHEAN Technologies

Funding : Administration of Midi-Pyrénées region

Abstract : The main goal of this project is the conception and the creation of an electronic device for measuring speech comprehension, intended for hearing aids specialists in France and abroad. Based on the human perceptive and cognitive functioning, this equipment will enable automatic assessments of hearing aids (HA), and help specialists to adjust HA parameters by taking into account patients’ profiles.

In the long term the objective is reduce hearing impaired (HI) people dependency and to extend their autonomy by :

- increasing the chance of HA to be accepted by HI people ;
- improving the adaptive ergonomics ;
- guiding HA specialists for increasing patients’ comfort, especially during the initial HA adjustment and control stage ;
- reducing the influence of current factors restraining the equipment of HI people.