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Joint Laboratory LETRA

par admin - 8 mai 2014

Project title : LETRA (Technical Studies and Research on Hearing Lab)

Duration : from june 2014 to june 2017

People involved : Lionel Fontan, Pascal Gaillard, Cynthia Magnen, Julien Tardieu, Nathalie Spanghero-Gaillard

Research & industrial partners : Unité de Service et de Recherche CNRS MSHS-T USR3414 and ARCHEAN Technologies Society

Funding : ANR LabCom v4 2014

Abstract : A joint Laboratory exist to develop innovative industrial products around hearing using jointly scientific knowledge and technical and industrial competence.

The Joint Laboratory LETRA is made of the CNRS Unité de Service et de Recherche CNRS MSHS-T USR3414 and the ARCHEAN Technologies Company. The MSHS-T is involved in LETRA through the technological platforms it manages : PETRA (a part of the big facilities CCU). The company ARCHEAN Technologies based in Montauban (82) is a company specialized Public Address for ERP and risk sites (nuclear power plants, Seveso sites...), and sound information for travelers.