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Accueil du site > Outils > TCL-LABX > Presentation


par admin - 10 février 2017

Some informations below on what you can make with TCL-LabX :

- prepare experiments with free-based categorization of sounds.
- to enter comments for each class created by subjects. These comments may be several lines.
- record the data classes an d comments associated with these classes.
- to record all movements of the subjects. These recordings systematic are stored in a file "actions" that allows post-treatment : how many times the subject has played each stimulus, how he moved on the screen, how much time he spent on categorization, etc ...

you can now use TCL-LabX-Bascis-Stats to :
- treat basic statistics
- Prepare data automatically (by concatenation) to be computed by Partition, AddTree, TreeView, SensoMineR, and other...

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