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TCL-LabX version history

par admin - 10 février 2017

Version 0.3.15x

(where is the O.3.14 version ? nowhere ! :-)

WARNING : see below

Add :

- The option "Random Button Order on Screen Test" is ON (yeah !).

If you choose this option, all the stimuli button are randomly sorted on the screen for the sorting task, differently for each participant. The name of the button still the same as before, each name have the same sound through the participant, only the place of the button change.

Changed :

- "action rate" on the first screen values : added 50 and 100 but 200 remain the default value.

- WARNING : for consistency purpose, I add an alphabetic sorting of the list of the sounds. This sort function doesn’t exist on older version.

The result is that this TCL-LabX version can be used only for new tests.

In fact, we strongly recommend not using this version on TCL-LabX to finish the test campaign.

In all cases, as a good practice, always check files "xxx.listing" consistency in "results" folder. Always check if each participant has the same correspondence between button name and sound name.

If you want to use an older config file, simply save it with another name and use it in a new campaign.

Version 0.3.13x

changed :

- added : an option to use quicktime player to play sound or not ("on" by default) on options screen

- changed : max stimuli is now on 80 (in hard mode)

- bug : now, presentation of the stimuli on 10 columns... rightly

Version 0.3.12x

the ghost version :-)

Version 0.3.11x

Change :
- TCL use now quicktime to play sounds

Version 0.3.10x

Change :
- remove the confirm box at the end of a definition class

Version 0.3.9x

Added :
- You can now add picture on each button (many thanks to Maxime Rosito, CerCo, CNRS, Toulouse, France) you can use images from 20 pixels to 120 pixels. You have to resize first (manually) images.
- Tool tip on button, to display the name of the button flew (used when the button display a picture)

Version 0.3.8x


Additions :
- it’s now possible to choose the most typical stimulus when you define each class
- you can adjust the "action rate" between 200ms, 1000ms. The "action rate" is the duration between each recording of stimulus-button position during the experiment

Change :
- rewrite the code to keep the button within the screen

Bugs :
- Now, play a sound does not move the icon
- a few finishing touches...

Version 0.3.6x

bugs :
- some bugs corrected...
- now it’s REALLY no longer possible to put a button out off the screen

Version 0.3.5x

bugs :
- When you put more than 40 sounds in the sounds folder, only 40 first ones are shown for the test. This bug is corrected. Now it’s possible to put up to 100 sounds... :)

Version 0.3.4x

bugs :
- when you save the data, TCL-LabX duplicate the last number of stimuli at the beginning of the class data. This bug is corrected

Version 0.3.3x

bugs :
- It is no longer possible to put a button out off the screen
- Playing sound during classification no more micro-move the button
- it is no longer possible to click "End" / "New Class" button before the end of the definition of classes
- when you cancel the subject data, is not modify the app background

changes :
- the "hide bachground option" is changed

addition :
- added a confirmation at the end of class definition

Version 0.3.2x

- Changes the way to select each member of a class in class definition (thanks to Virginie)

Version 0.3.1x

Changes :
- during the test : one cannot put the buttons any more outside of the screen by error during classification
- during the definition of the classes : one cannot select one button in a class any more if it were already selected in another class
- during the definition of the classes : one must select all the buttons at least in a class before finishing the test

Version 0.3.0x

First English Version

Free Categorization Task Interface

For PsychoAcoustical Experiment

You can use this application freely

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