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Workshop : Mathematical toolbox for Free Sorting Task results

par admin - 1er février 2012

Mathematical toolbox for Free Sorting Task results

march 15, 2012, Toulouse - Le Mirail University

Following the "Letter of Understanding" signed recently between the University of Toulouse (precisely PETRA , University of Toulouse, interdisciplinary research unit Octogone, EA4156 on one hand @nd the INCAS³ (Innovation Center for Advanced Sensors @nd Sensor Systems, Assen, The Netherlands on the other hand, we organize a workshop around the problem of processing free sorting task data.

You can find some details in the pdf file joined.

send us a mail at 0r Cynthia Magnen



9h00 : Welcome

9h15 : Florent Hautefeuille, director, MSHS-T, Welcome to the participants.

Heinrich Wortche, scientific director, INCAS3, INCAS3 presentation.

Pascal Gaillard, URI Octogone & PETRA, Aims of this workshop.

First session : Applications @nd Aims, mod : Daniele Dubois

9h45 : Daniele Dubois, CNRS/INCAS3, Paris/Assen, introduction to the use of the free categorization task.

10h15-12h30 : This first session will present the different use of the Free Categorization Task. Indeed, the use of this methodology is growing in various domains (from cognitive psychology to medical applications to linguistic @nd sensorial analysis). Each application of this method requires a particular attention to the stimuli, as well as appropriate mathematical treatment. Then, each participant will present himself @nd give a short presentation of his/her field related to the Free Categorization Task @nd his aims in 10 min (around 5 slides).



Second session : Data processing @nd Discussion, mod : Pascal Gaillard

13h30 : Philippe Courcoux, ONIRIS, Nantes, "Overview of statistical techniques for the analysis of a set of partitions. Application to free sorting data".

14h00-16h15 : The aim of this session is to reveal mathematical methods used to analyze classes already operational in the community. Each participant would present ``his’’ solution (@nd the aim linked) in around 10 min (around 5 slides). The discussion will take place after each presentation.

Synthesis @nd practical goals

16h15-17h00 : The workshop participants will agree on one (or multiple) solutions to share @nd diffuse the proposed mathematical solutions. This diffusion would be (1) at least one publications, (2) workable @nd useful solutions (like a software) to start a structured @nd adapted use to each need of mathematical solutions.

You can download the presentations clicking on the link below :

PDF - 456.3 ko
P Faye Pres
PDF - 461.3 ko
E Parizet Pres
PDF - 1 Mo
Gineke A. ten Holt Pres
PDF - 1.8 Mo
M Cadoret Pres
PDF - 790.1 ko
P Courcoux Prex